
Wrinkle reduction

If you are looking for the treatment with fast results, then anti-wrinkle injections and/or dermal fillers may be an option for you. These treatments are designed to prevent and treat wrinkles and achieve more youthful and refreshed look. Our experienced Aesthetic physician administers the treatments.


Application of injectable treatments are fast evolving part of Aesthetic medicine. These treatments are becoming more and more popular, due to being very effective in preventing or/and treating already established wrinkles and expression lines. You can see fast results, with only some discomfort and very little or no down time.

Series of muscle relaxant injections are administered into specific muscle groups, to smooth out those frown lines, forehead wrinkles, smile lines and much more. It usually takes few days for you to start noticing effect of substance used for this treatment, but it takes up to two weeks to see the full potential of it. Treatment is recommended every three to four months.

Everyone’s face is unique, so is requirements for quantity (“number of units”) needed to reach your desired results. You may need higher or lesser amount, then what your friend told you she had. Also, for your information, there are different variations of products used for anti-wrinkle injection treatment. They basically have very similar active ingredient, but with different potency. This is why “per unit” one type of anti-wrinkle injection will cost less than other, however more units are needed to be administered to achieve the same results. So, at the end, price is very similar if not the same.

Anti-wrinkles injections can be used to treat:

  • frown lines
  • forehead lines
  • crow’s feet
  • lip lines (smoker’s lines)
  • lines on the top of the nose (bunny lines)
  • lines caused by movement of the chin
  • muscular bands (platysma) in the neck and sagging jaw line (Nefertiti lift)
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)


Dermal fillers used in our medical aesthetic clinic are a family of injectable hyaluronic acid fillers used to provide 9 months to one year of correction for moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds.

If your goal is to achieve refreshed, more youthful look, dermal filler can be injected under the skin to plump and smooth out those wrinkles you don’t like that much. Your face can be reshaped, loss of volume replenished and beautiful contours of your face enhanced. After the treatment, you may experience temporary swelling and bruising, which will improve in few days after the treatment.

Prior to any injectable treatment an initial consultation with our Aesthetic physician is performed to determine the best approach to reach your goals, so personalised treatment can be formulated specially for your needs and best possible outcome.


Have you decided to proceed with an appointment for injectable treatment with our team? Or someone else?There are several things that you can do before and after to get the most value out of your injectables appointment.

Avoid any spa treatments, specifically facials
Although indulging in a spa treatment such as a facial can feel luxurious, these treatments can also inflame or irritate your skin. The premise of a facial is to remove dead skin cells so that new ones can grow in their place. You should avoid all spa treatments for at least a week before your appointment and a few days after for best results. If the skin on your face is raw during your treatment, you will not see your desired results.

Protect your skin from UV rays
While the sun’s rays will not affect the results of your injectable treatment, it’s vital to protect your skin as much as possible to avoid any new UV damage or wrinkles. Wear a hat and invest in a high-quality sunscreen. Our clinic sells an excellent line of skincare products, so if you ever need recommendations, just ask.

Refrain from drinking
Before your appointment, you should stay away from alcoholic beverages. Alcohol consumption widens the blood vessels in your body. Because we will need to use needles during your procedure, wide blood vessels can lead to an increased chance of bleeding, swelling, and bruising.


With any procedure, side effects are possible. But, in the hands of a skilled aesthetic practitioner, side effects tend to be minor and temporary. Remember that the effects of your treatment will not last forever. We recommend that you take the opportunity to schedule your next appointment to maintain your current appearance.



If you are looking for the treatment with fast results, then anti-wrinkle injections and/or dermal fillers may be an option for you. These treatments are designed to prevent and treat wrinkles and achieve more youthful and refreshed look. Our experienced Aesthetic physician administers the treatments. Following are three main reasons why our clients consider this treatment option.

Improved confidence
Many of our clients begin to feel self-conscious about the presence of lines and wrinkles on their face. Our anti-wrinkle injectable treatment can provide you with the reassurance that you have been missing. You can walk into a room with your head held high knowing that your skin is supple and smooth.

Little to no downtime
One of the leading reasons why people steer away from cosmetic procedures is because they don’t have the option to take an extended period to recover. The primary benefit of anti-wrinkle treatment is the simple fact that the procedure is non-invasive, which means that there is little to no downtime. Your entire treatment should take less than an hour and, in many cases, you can go back to your daily activities as soon as you are finished.

Fast results
The results of an injectable treatment are usually noticeable immediately (in case of dermal fillers). There may be some temporary soreness or irritation around the injection area, but you will notice a change in your appearance quickly. Your skin will begin to look more refreshed, which will help to bring out your natural beauty.

Remember that the effects of your treatment will not last forever. We recommend that you take the opportunity to schedule your next appointment to maintain your current appearance.


Laser Therapy​

Our Medical Clinic offers a variety of aesthetic laser treatments using medical grade, state-of-the-art, safe and effective platforms. We use the Cutera Nd:Yag 1064nm laser system and can choose between vascular laser treatment and Cutera’s signature treatment “Laser Genesis”. Every treatment is individually tailored to each client’s unique skin concern.

Both treatments (skin rejuvenation included) will deliver noticeable results, without pain or downtime. During laser treatment, you may feel mild warm feeling, without any major discomfort. After the treatment, mineral make up can be applied and you can go back to your daily activities. Most clients can see immediate results, with improvements in tone, texture and tightness, but multiple treatments are required to reach the full benefit of these effective and comfortable procedures.

Laser therapy can address multiple leading skin concerns. If you have any of the following issues, be sure to schedule a consult with us to see if you might be a good candidate for a personalised aesthetic laser treatment series.

    • Active acne and acne scars
      Acne is a common condition that affects people of all ages. The areas affected most by acne include the face, neck, upper back, shoulders, and chest.
    • Melasma and sun damage
      Melasma and other types of unwanted pigmentation can occur at any age. The main causative factors are sun damage, hormonal changes, certain medications, and scarring.
    • Rosacea and facial redness
      Rosacea is a red rash that appears most often on the faces of women with fair skin tones. Often mistaken for acne, rosacea can cause redness, swelling, pimples, and dilated blood vessels.
    • Enlarged pores
      As we age, genetics, sun damage, and other environmental factors begin to show on our skin, and enlarged pores are one of the most common signs. Laser therapy can reduce their appearance.
    • Unwanted hair
      Unwanted hair on your face or body can affect the way that you feel about yourself and your social interactions. Ask us about permanent hair removal laser treatments.



Unwanted facial and body hair can affect the way we feel, our social interactions, what we wear and what we do.

For reduction of unwanted hairs, both IPL or laser device could be used. To damage the hair follicle, we need to bring lots of heat to it which is created by applying intense light to hair pigment. Laser is more effective in delivering focused heat than IPL because it produces a narrow, concentrated beam of light, but it takes more time to cover the same treatment area.

The best candidates for hair reduction are individuals with darker hair. Light colored hair, such as blonde hair, as well as gray/white hair cannot be successfully treated since the hairs lack the pigment to attract light.

Just as it is so for pigmented spots, the greater the contrast between the base skin color and the hair color, the better the results. So, dark hair on fair skin can be removed most successfully.

Laser and IPL (intense pulsed light) hair reduction is safe, fast, effective and cost effective long-term solution to reduce amount of unwanted hair. It has no down time with little or minimal discomfort. If you are after alternative for shaving, waxing or tweezing, this may be treatment for you.

The area you would like to treat should not be exposed to sun, for at least 2 week prior to the treatment. You should not wax or pluck the area for at least 6 weeks prior to the treatment, use of depilatory creams is also to be avoided. Use of sun screen, as always, is strongly recommended.


Rosacea & facial redness

Rosacea is a red facial rash that most often affects women with fair skin, usually between 30 and 60 years of age. This condition can be easily mistaken for acne. Rosacea is a long term skin condition that typically affects the face and results in redness, pimples, swelling, small and superficial dilated blood vessels. Areas affected the most are the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin. A red, enlarged nose may occur in severe disease, a condition known as rhinophyma. Treatments such as antibiotics or anti-acne medication can control and reduce symptoms. Left untreated, it tends to worsen over time.

The exact cause of rosacea is unknown. There are several theories regarding its origin, including overactive facial blood vessels and inflammation, genetic, environmental, vascular and inflammatory factors. Rosacea is a chronic condition that cannot be cured, but treatment can help relieve symptoms and improve skin appearance.

It is important to avoid trigger factors – anything that causes rosacea to flare – such as sunlight, hairspray, heat, very hot or very cold weather, stress, alcohol, spicy foods, heavy physical exertion. Some women also find hot flushes and menopause aggravate rosacea, but may be also aggravated by many cosmetics and skin care products, and is particularly sensitive to topical steroid preparations. Remember to always wear sun screen.


Pigmentation, Melasma & Sun Damage

Unwanted pigmentation and melasma (a condition in which brown or grey patches appear on the face) can occur in people of all ages. Main causes are factors such as sun exposure, hormonal changes which we can see secondary to pregnancy, contraceptive pill, but also acne, acne scarring, skin care regime and some medications.

Hyperpigmentation refers to a skin condition where the skin is darkened or discoloured. It can be caused by excess sun exposure, or skin condition like acne, psoriasis or eczema. Sunlight, acne and skin rashes potentially stimulate melanocytes (pigment producing cells in the skin), to produce more pigment. It will then be pushes into lower layers of the skin, where it does not belong. The deeper the pigment, the more difficult treatment.

Women are more likely than men to develop melasma due to hormonal changes. Brown or grey patches appear more often on the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. Melasma often fades after pregnancy or after woman stops using hormonal treatment such as contraceptive pills. Pigmentation can be treated with topical prescription brightening agents, medical-grade skin care, chemical peels, laser and light-based therapies (photo-rejuvenation).

At NOVA Aesthetics and Women’s Health Medical Clinic, our trained medical staff will perform skin review of the lesion you are worried about, to make certain no further medical intervention needs to be done prior to your opted treatment.

An initial consultation with Medical doctor / Aesthetic physician is performed to determine the best approach to your skin condition, after which personalized treatment program can be formulated specially for your needs and best possible outcome.



Acne is a common medical condition, affecting people of almost all ages, peaks usually between the ages of 13 and 17. The face, neck, chest, shoulders and upper back are the main areas affected by acne because they have the highest number of oil glands. Acne usually starts at puberty when increased levels of hormones cause an increase in oil production and size of the glands, hormonal changes later in life in addition to psychological stressor can be cause for adult onset acne.

Family history of acne may be another factor why your skin can be prone to develop this condition as well as environmental factors such as high humidity, skin care products/cosmetics, hair care products and dietary factors.

Acne happens when the oil glands in the pores of the skin become blocked. Hormones make the oil glands produce more oil, also known as sebum and if the pores are blocked, a build-up occurs. This build up known as comedones contributes to the “bumpy” feeling of the skin. When affected by the P.acnes bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes), these pores become infected pustules.

Acne is a medical condition that requires an initial intensive treatment program and long-term maintenance. It can have a significant impact on the quality of life, especially during the teenage years. In some cases, acne also leads to scarring, which can be permanent.

When treating acne, treatment program that targets one or more of these causative factors is required, combination therapy is often needed.

We have packages that have been designed specifically for those wishing to see rapid, long-lasting results. Using a combination of treatments, alongside active cosmeceutical skin care, we can target the cause and visible symptoms of acne.

An initial consultation with our Medical doctor / Aesthetic physician is performed to determine the type and severity of your condition, so personalised acne treatment program can be formulated specially for your needs and best possible outcome.

Meet Jenna

Jenna De Celis EEN

Jenna De Celis is an Endorsed Enrolled Nurse with a Diploma in Nursing and certificates/qualifications in operating Cutera Xeo System, including Nd:Yag 1064 vascular and skin laser rejuvenation, Nd:Yag 1064 laser and Prowave LX hair removal and limelight. She is also certified in Radiofrequency Microneedling, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and applications of LED light therapy. Jenna is a valuable member of our medical team at Nova Women.

Jenna’s goal is to help you gradually achieve your desired results to make you feel more beautiful/handsome in your own skin with minimal down time.

Whilst enjoying treating all clients, she is especially passionate about treating clients with acne and or acne scarring, rosacea and background facial redness. A treatment plan to suit each individuals needs will be skillfully developed.

In her free time, Jenna enjoys camping and spending time with family and friends and her beautiful two girls keeps her very busy.

Meet Kate

Kate Kutzner RN

Kate Kutzner is a Registered Nurse with a bachelor of nursing and 15 years of experience in the aesthetic field. She is another valuable member of our medical team at Nova Women.

Kate is qualified to operate Cutera Xeo System, which includes various laser and IPL therapies. Radiofrequency Microneedling, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and LED light therapy is another part of her expertise.

Kate’s goal is to work with each individual and develop a desired outcome best suited specifically for them and their journey to better brighter skin.

She is passionate about all the ways she can enhance your natural beauty through Cutera’s signature treatment “Laser Genesis” or correct imperfections and insecurities associated with the aging process with IPL and Radiofrequency microneedling to reveal your glowing skin.

In her free time Kate enjoys brunch and coffee dates with friends and family at Tartt Cafe and taking her children to their recreational activities.

Meet Marcela

Dr. Marcela Megyery Babic

Dr Marcela Megyery Babic, MBBS FRACGP

Specialist of General Practice, Aesthetic Physician – Professional Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine, Member of Australian College of Aesthetic Medicine, Certificate in Primary Care Skin Cancer Medicine and Surgery.

Dr Marcela Megyery Babic has worked as Specialist of General Practice since 2008. She began performing aesthetic treatments in 2012 and has since acquired extensive experience in application of injectable treatments. She successfully passed requirements for gaining Professional Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine. Her qualifications include management of acne, rosacea, pigmented skin lesions, advice of use of cosmeceutical skin care products and appropriate skin treatments with lasers and other energy based devices in addition to dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections. Dr Marcela Megyery Babic was trained and will continue training with the well-known board certified Aesthetic physicians as ongoing education and self-improvement is of outmost importance.

Being also an artist-pianist, Dr Marcela Megyery Babic finds that the work of an Aesthetic physician can be very creative and artistically fulfilling, as Aesthetic medicine is an art of its own.

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